Keru Qiu was from Nantong, Jiangsu Province. She graduated fro
Shanghai Red Cross Nursing School in 1952 and became a nurse in Shanghai Huashan Hospital. She was promoted to be the Deputy Head-Nurse in 1958 when the hospital’s psychiatric department became an independent Shanghai Psychiatric Hospital for Prevention and Treatment where she worked as the Head-Nurse and Deputy Head of the Nursing Department until 1970. After relocation with the family to Suzhou, Keru Qiu worked in Suzhou Psychiatric Hospital(now Suzhou Guangji Hospital) as the Deputy Head of the Nursing Department, Deputy Head of the Health Group and Head of the Nursing Department until her retirement in 1986.
今天我和陈紫潆老师还有赵老师一起去看你,我带了红和蓝的满天星,白,红,紫三朵玫瑰, 是刘曦和爸爸,还有我, 一人一支。陈老师特意给你做了盆花, 中间是你,大的粉色花,周围是橘色的郁金香陪衬。
我最想告诉你一件你心里非常牵挂的事,可是结果还没有出来。其实是不是你最想要的结果, 我也不知道。我真想是你盼望的结果,这样就可以了了你的心愿。我当然也想是好消息,但这个好消息对你比对我更重要。我知道结果会第一时间告诉你。